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YouTube blocks Trump CPAC...
Last Post: JorgeC
03-05-2021, 11:20 PM
» Replies: 1
» Views: 14
'Mandalorian' Actress Fir...
Last Post: kevin
02-18-2021, 01:02 PM
» Replies: 2
» Views: 35
Court blocks Biden's 100 ...
Last Post: kevin
01-30-2021, 05:33 PM
» Replies: 1
» Views: 40
Improbable immunity, or w...
Last Post: JorgeC
01-29-2021, 01:51 AM
» Replies: 1
» Views: 48

  YouTube blocks Trump CPAC video
Posted by: kevin - 03-05-2021, 04:53 AM - Forum: - Replies (1)

YouTube just blocked a conservative channel for showing Trump's CPAC speech, under 'election misinformation' rules. I just added YT to the list of organizations I'm not spending money on. The music channel was great but F them. We have to starve the beast if we want to beat it, and it will take some sacrifice.


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  'Mandalorian' Actress Fired for Making an Analogy
Posted by: kevin - 02-11-2021, 01:15 PM - Forum: - Replies (2)

Very chilling. Actress points out that the Nazis started by demonizing Jews and fomenting hatred towards them to normalize and enable their later actions, promptly gets fired. I really don't understand how making an analogy to point out the dangers of demonizing and dehumanizing groups (as is happening to conservatives/Trump voters) right now is 'abhorrent'. Unless having and speaking opinions is also abhorrent. About to cancel Disney Plus right now.


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  Court blocks Biden's 100 day deportation pause
Posted by: JorgeC - 01-30-2021, 03:53 PM - Forum: - Replies (1)

Some good news amid insanity. Glad some courts at least are attempting to uphold our immigration laws...though I' won't hold my breath that the courts will be that last bastion for constitutionality and restraint of the other two branches that we need right now. The fact that they appeared to shirk their responsibility when asked to view cases of voter fraud leaves much to be desired.


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  Improbable immunity, or what ?
Posted by: kevin - 01-25-2021, 05:28 AM - Forum: - Replies (1)

Aside from the conventional, media Covid viewpoint, some things I have noticed :

1) my friend group (40-60 yrs old) has been to bars 2-3 times a week during Covid, as VA has allowed.
2) some of us have been to different states (Florida twice!, Colorado) also.
3) but NONE of us have gotten sick !

There are about 7 restaurants in Crozet. Only 2 are not letting customers in. 

As far as I know - only 2 restaurants have Covid cases. The 2 that don't let customers in.

The chance of that happening randomly is  4%. 

My wife's co-worker did not leave her house for 9 months but tested positive. 

I can only conclude that going out and having fun, and being exposed to very low levels of Covid is protective.

My wife and I are Immunology and Biomedical Engineering PhDs, its been vary hard for us to watch this unfold.

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